IGDA DC is the Washington D.C Chapter of the International Game Developer's Association, the professional association for over 12,000 video game developers worldwide.

We hold monthly in person and online meetups and working sessions for professional development. We also host District Arcade, a yearly in person event where developers can demo their games to the public.

Meetups and Events

We hold online and in person meetups at least twice a month. These meetings are open to anyone regardless of skill level, location, or IGDA membership. All event information can be found on our Meetup page, and all of our online events are hosted on our Discord


General Monthly Schedule

Dates may vary but this is the schedule we generally stick to. Always check meetup to confirm meeting dates and times

2nd TuesdayIn Person Dev Meetup
4th TuesdayOnline Dev Talks
Random SaturdaysLibrary Working Sessions

Indie QA Crew

We host a monthly QA group, where testers volunteer their time to test and provide feedback for other member's indie games. Any Indie can submit a game and have testers play through it and provide feedback (5 hours playtime max). Indies receive free feedback on their games in exchange for listing the testers in their game's credits. This is all managed through our Discord. If you are interested in applying to Indie QA Crew as a tester or developer there is more information here.


District Arcade

Once a year we host District Arcade, an in person event where local game devs show their games to the public. It is hosted in October at the Downtown Silver Spring Library. Click here for more information about any upcoming District Arcades